
CorporationCentre.ca is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice or services. CorporationCentre.ca offerings enable users to complete incorporations, business registrations, trade/DBA registrations, corporate maintenance and governance updates, corporate name searches and reports, trademark services among others. Our services are provided at your specific direction and are limited to filing government forms and corporate and business compliance services. The information contained on CorporationCentre.ca’s website is provided for general information only, is not exhaustive, does not constitute advice of any kind and does not nor should it replace competent legal, accounting and other professional advice. No representations or warranties, express or implied, are given regarding the legal consequences resulting from the use of this information and our services. If you are seeking or wish to have such representations or warranties, it is recommended that you contact such professionals for advice as to your specific circumstances. Please note that your access to and use of CorporationCentre.ca is subject to additional terms and conditions.